
If you have a tooth that has been broken or damaged by decay, we will try our best to save the tooth with a filling, crown or other treatment. At times though, the damage is too severe for the tooth to be restored. In this case, the tooth needs to be extracted. We know that having a tooth extracted can be a daunting experience, but we do our utmost to make you feel as comfortable as possible during the procedure.

Once the extraction has healed, you can explore dental implant crowns as an option to replace your missing tooth.

The process

We will examine the affected area and take an X-ray to come up with the best plan to remove the tooth. Be sure to give us your full medical and dental history and a list of all the medicines you take. The extraction will either be a simple extraction or a surgical extraction, depending on the type of tooth and severity of the case.

If you are having wisdom teeth removed, we will take a panoramic X-ray. This type of X-ray takes a picture of all of your teeth at once. Read more here about our wisdom tooth removal service.

There are two types of extractions:

A normal extraction: this is a simple procedure, generally used for removing decayed teeth.

A surgical extraction: this is a more complex procedure. It is used when a tooth has broken off at the gum line or has not come into the mouth yet.

Read more here about instructions you need to follow after an extraction.

If you're experiencing any severe pain, contact our offices immediately. We will be able to assess the pain and treat it accordingly.